Bandersnitch Crispybritches

Member for 1525238699

5 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
Bandersnitch Crispybritches 1538207798

Have you contacted the original creator on Bowlroll to make sure they're okay with you uploading this publicly

Bandersnitch Crispybritches 1529034554

Did you remember to save the text file? If you don't save it, no changes are kept.

Bandersnitch Crispybritches 1525911576

That's what I figured, but thank you for confirming. It did allow uploading

Bandersnitch Crispybritches 1525329687

Glad to see some collaboration. Good luck to you both, and I can't wait to re-download a version slightly easier for the Unity-dumb among us XD (Me)

Bandersnitch Crispybritches 1525238950

Hey, I love the model, but Unity won't let me upload it. I have the same error as Depresso and Game Forge with the model not being tall enough. It greys out the Publish button. I tried playing with scale but it got to the point where it was telling me it was too tall and too short at the same time. Any advice? I didn't edit anything; it's straight out of the box. Thanks!